The Pink Triangle Trust has produced a series of leaflets Introducing the Humanist Tradition:
- Robert G. Ingersoll said ...
Quotes from the great nineteenth century freethinker about our aims, ways of understanding our universe, love and death, and how we can be happy.
- The Garden of Epicurus
Highlights the teachings of the philosophers in ‘The Garden’ school of Epicurus on the study of science, happiness, friendship, prudence, wealth, death, and foretelling the future.
- Why We All Celebrate At Christmas-Time
Explains the origins, and some of the customs, of the Festive Season.
- The Adventures of Thomas Paine
Outlines the life of a remarkable man of the late 18th century, who gave us perhaps the best ever short definition of Humanism.
- Do Your Stars Foretell?
The basics of astrology and predicting the future.
- A Few Words
A summary of the Humanist outlook.
- Make It Happy
Some suggestions from the Humanist tradition on how we can build happy lives.
- Passover, Easter and Other Myths that Welcome Spring.
Why the arrival of spring gives rise to myths.
- Education about Ethics – a Gap in the Curriculum.
How the study of ethical issues and moral values is treated in our schools.
Paper copies of these leaflets are available in an attractive tri-fold format. You can help make the Humanist outlook and tradition more widely known by giving copies to your friends.
- Single copies: free of charge if you send a stamped self-addressed envelope at least 22cm by 11cm in size.
- Six copies: £1.
- 65 copies: £10.
Small payments may be made using postage stamps or International Reply Coupons. To order leaflets, or for a list of other forthcoming leaflets in the series, write to:
The Pink Triangle Trust
34 Spring Lane