News and Views
Law challenged as “blasphemous” poem is read on church steps.
Auntie’s god slot won’t change, say officials.
Blasphemy play puts God on trial for abuse of human rights.
Celebs wish mag well – with a notable exception.
Young: gifted and gullible.
I’m no homophobe, Tyson tells Tatchell.
Tories may ditch Section 28.
Every little might help ...
Thank you, thank you! Fighting Fund gets off to a great start.
Blasphemy submission.
Are we Islamophobic?
Tatchell defends Christian homophobe.
World Watch edited by George Broadhead – news from Ecuador, Germany, Moldova, Russia, the United Nations and the United States.
Web Watch
Case Study – Fresh from studying the Gay News blasphemy case, Brett Humphreys pays a visit to some relevant websites.
Flame and Fortuyn – Andy Armitage examines the aftermath of the assassination of the Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn.
View from the Global Village – Dean Braithwaite on Zimbabwe, plus our new Pope Watch feature.
Calling a Spade a Mysterium Iniquitatis – Brett Lock identifies four cardinal sins responsible for the Roman Catholic Church’s inadequacy in dealing with its child-molesting priests.
Gossip from Across the Pond – further revelations from Warren Allen Smith.
Gay News on Trial – A special supplement commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Gay News blasphemy trial of 1977.
Oh, Brother! with Steven Dean.
Tony Challis reviews Natalie Wilson’s presentation of Jonathan Harvey’s Beautiful Thing at the Nottingham Playhouse.
Andy Armitage reviews Calling Bernadette’s Bluff, by Dale McGowan, Teenage Sex: What Should Schools Teach Children?, edited by Ellie Lee and Tiffany Jenkins and
Some Kind of Love, by Jack Dickson.
Dean Braithwaite reviews The Sacrifice, by Gordon Linton.
Not all Muslims are homophobic; embracing diversity of beliefs; and a plea from Pakistan.