News and Views
Let them discriminate says Archbishop Rowan.
Gay bishop-to-be in ignoble climb-down.
Stoning appeal postponed.
Euro document says no to God.
Watchdog appointment angers campaigners.
Take your partners.
Amnesty’s day of action over Egypt arrests.
Section 28 to go – with strings attached.
World Watch edited by George Broadhead – news from Afghanistan, China, Fiji, Israel, Poland, and the European Union.
Obituary |
Obituary for C. A. Tripp by Andy Armitage. |
Web Watch
The Skeptic Web – Brett Humphreys views the skeptic scene.
Preachers of Hate – There are two men called Phelps. One of them is an arch-homophobe who stoops to some of the ugliest stunts imaginable. Andy Armitage talks to the other one.
“Crime” and Punishment Dutch Style – It might have been better for the killer of the flamboyant Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn if he had been a priest. Tony Thorne, who lives in Amsterdam, tells us why.
Brian Paddick, Fair Cop – He pioneered a softly-softly approach to soft drugs, and it worked. He was the subject of a vicious kiss-and-tell article in one of Britain’s most hated right-wing tabloids. He has the support of most of his colleagues, and his Christian boss. And in June he spoke to a meeting of gay and lesbian humanists in London’s Conway Hall. Dean Braithwaite reports.
Oil’s Well with our Plastic World – The world lives under oil’s spell. Instance the guarding of the oil ministry in Baghdad, while museums were looted. Whether or not oil was the motive for the West’s war on Iraq, there’s a lot about oil that perhaps even some humanists never think about, though it affects human life profoundly, and not always beneficially. Here, Jeremy Smith reveals the extent to which the industry’s by-products have permeated our lives and our world.
Oh Meo My! – Gay characters crop up on soaps and other dramas with unalarming frequency these days. No drama would be complete without one. But the actor who handles the role of the young gay man Owen in Belonging – in Wales only, but soon to be seen on satellite – feels he has a wider role to play. In an exclusive interview for G&LH, Dean Braithwaite spoke to Owen’s alter ego, Steven Meo.
Happy Birthday, Mr Secretary – Over the years, Britain’s Gay and Lesbian Humanist Association has become the envy of campaigners in the USA and Europe. While its committee has changed over the years, one man stands out as “Mr GALHA”, and he has just reached his seventieth birthday. George Broadhead is also the immediate past editor of Gay and Lesbian Humanist, whose current editor, Andy Armitage spoke to the indefatigable hon. sec., and asked him to look back – and forward.
Gossip from Across the Pond – cummings and goings from Warren Allen Smith.
The Years of the Cat – In the last issue we featured the excellent website Gay Today. Its editor, Jack Nichols, now 65, was a campaigner before the Stonewall riots and is a man with tales to tell. He does so in a forthcoming book, The Tomcat Chronicles, and here he gives us a preview.
George Broadhead reviews the episode on gay sex in ITV’s Sex and Religion series.
Good Boy, George! with Steven Dean.
Infidel – an irreverent column with a sceptical eye.
Back catalogue special: Jim Herrick reviews The Charioteer, by Mary Renault.
Andy Armitage reviews Blackham’s Best, edited by Barbara Smoker.
Jack Nichols reviews Warlock, by Perry Brass.
Reactions to editorial on war in Iraq; Holocaust victims not “forgotten” but ignored; and Italy goes to the dogs.